Saturday, September 20, 2008


Well, a lot has happened in recent weeks. Ray's mother and aunt are now at a nursing facility in Jasper, Georgia. They are almost 30 minutes from our house. We had plans to move them here and had both of them on waiting lists. However, nothing was coming open. We finally decided to go ahead and choose a nursing facility in Woodstock, which is about 10 minutes from our house. It wasn't the perfect choice, just the best we could do on short notice. As usual, God provides. The day we were supposed to move her, we got a phone call from one of the facilities where both Ray's mother and aunt were on the waiting list. They had one opening. We took it. The day Ray's mother arrived, they came to us and told us they had an opening for his aunt. It all worked out perfectly. Now, we are working feverishly to get the basement done. We have everything out and have a man coming to move some walls, then we'll call in the electrician and heating and air men. If all goes well, my wonderfully talented brother will come and finish the basement! Ray's daddy will move in with us shortly. He's going back and forth right now.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thoughts on Family

Well, it is not fun dealing with illness. Ray got in from Chattanooga a little while ago. As we've sat here and talked . . . his mother is heavy on my mind. She is still having strokes. She is not talking very much nor can she walk. Her doctor has changed her blood thinner and hopes he can get her moving a little more soon. It is so sad, because if I heard her say it once, I heard her say it a million times that she did not want to have her family worry over her and have to take care of her. Of course, that's what families are for . . . caring for our loved ones. Take a few minutes and give your children, your spouse a hug and let them know that you are glad they are in your lives. God has blessed us and we need to show thankfulness for those blessings.